The High Energy Materials Society of India (HEMSI) was founded in 1983 with the principal aim of propagating knowledge especially path–breaking developments in the field of High Energy Materials (HEMs) through regular interaction of Scientists / Engineers from different organizations in India and abroad. In order to realize the objectives, HEMSI organizes biennial International Conferences / Seminars. It also disseminates the latest information by conducting Workshops and courses from time to time. Scientists / Technologists / Academicians from all over the globe attend these events.
Today, HEMSI is a well known society all over the world with more than 1500 active members from India and abroad. HEMSI is having its Head Quarters at HEMRL Pune. HEMSI having made a modest beginning at Pune, now boasts of having five more full fledged regional Chapters at VSSC Thiruvananthapuram, SHAR – IIT Chennai, DRDL Hyderabad, TBRL Chandigarh and SFC Jagdalpur.
HEMSI has made its presence felt throughout the country and the world over by arranging many National seminars and International conferences. Deliberation in the conferences always lead to the generation of road map for future work in the filed of pyrotechnics, propellants, high explosives and related fields. The endeavour of the society is to bridge the technology gap between the developed countries and India through participation of the international scientists and experts in the said conferences.